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The Hidden Impact of Lifestyle Inflation: How to Stay Wealthy While Living Well

The Hidden Impact of Lifestyle Inflation: How to Stay Wealthy While Living Well

Why Millennials are Rethinking Health Insurance After the Pandemic

Why Millennials are Rethinking Health Insurance After the Pandemic

The Role of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decisions: Identifying and Overcoming Them

The Role of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decisions: Identifying and Overcoming Them

How Inflation Impacts Your Investments and How Mutual Funds Can Help

How Inflation Impacts Your Investments and How Mutual Funds Can Help

Goal-Based Investing: Turning Your Dreams Into Reality Through Mutual Funds

Goal-Based Investing: Turning Your Dreams Into Reality Through Mutual Funds

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): The Consistent Path to Wealth Creation

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): The Consistent Path to Wealth Creation

Market Volatility: Friend or Enemy? Learning to Benefit from Fluctuations

Market Volatility: Friend or Enemy? Learning to Benefit from Fluctuations

Retirement Planning with Mutual Funds: Strategies for a Secure Future

Retirement Planning with Mutual Funds: Strategies for a Secure Future

Tuning Out the Noise: How to Stay Calm When Financial News Creates Chaos

Tuning Out the Noise: How to Stay Calm When Financial News Creates Chaos

Outsmarting Yourself: Recognizing and Overcoming Behavioural Biases in Investing

Outsmarting Yourself: Recognizing and Overcoming Behavioural Biases in Investing

Stay Focused: Why Investment Discipline Matters in All Market Conditions

Stay Focused: Why Investment Discipline Matters in All Market Conditions

Navigating Market Ups and Downs: The Role of Mutual Funds

Navigating Market Ups and Downs: The Role of Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds: The accessible investment for the working middle class

Mutual Funds: The Accessible Investment for the Working Middle Class

SIP vs. Lumpsum: Choosing the Right Fuel for Your Mutual Fund Investment Journey

SIP vs. Lumpsum: Choosing the Right Fuel for Your Mutual Fund Investment Journey

Common Mutual Fund Mistakes Investors Make and How to Avoid Them

Common Mutual Fund Mistakes Investors Make and How to Avoid Them

Understand the Dynamics: Overnight Funds vs. Liquid Funds vs. Ultra Short-Term Funds

Understand the Dynamics: Overnight Funds vs. Liquid Funds vs. Ultra Short-Term Funds

From College Grad to Adulting: Your Guide to Getting Health Insurance

From College Grad to Adulting: Your Guide to Getting Health Insurance

Mutual Funds versus Monopoly Game – Decoding the Best Moves

Mutual Funds versus Monopoly Game – Decoding the Best Moves

Millennial Money Moves: Navigating Mutual Funds for the Next Generation

Millennial Money Moves: Navigating Mutual Funds for the Next Generation

The Imperative "Why" of Retirement Planning for Entrepreneurs

The Imperative "Why" of Retirement Planning for Entrepreneurs

Navigating the Maze of Health Insurance: A Guide to Informed Decision-Making

Navigating the Maze of Health Insurance: A Guide to Informed Decision-Making

Transform Your Extra Income: Best Areas for Mutual Fund Investments

Transform Your Extra Income: Best Areas for Mutual Fund Investments

The Butterfly Effect: Small Steps to Big Wealth, Thanks to Mutual Funds

The Butterfly Effect: Small Steps to Big Wealth, Thanks to Mutual Funds

Myth or Reality? Revealing the Truths behind Investing in Mutual Funds

Myth or Reality? Revealing the Truths behind Investing in Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds VS Traditional Investing

Mutual Funds: Better option than traditionally investing in individual security.

The Ultimate Guide to Top up SIPs

The Ultimate Guide to Top-up SIPs: Why Every Investor Should Consider this Smart Strategy

Why Mutual Fund Investors Should Not Stop SIP

Why Mutual Fund Investors Shouldn't Stop SIPs In This Economic Slowdown

What are Top-up Health Insurance Plans, and how can these be beneficial

What are Top-up Health Insurance Plans, and how can these be beneficial?

Debt Mutual Funds vs Bank Fixed Deposits: A Better Option for Low-Risk Investors

Debt Mutual Funds vs Bank Fixed Deposits: A Better Option for Low-Risk Investors

Where can debt fund investors invests?

Where can debt mutual fund investors invest in a rising interest rate scenario

Debt Mutual Fund Terms To Know Before Investing

Debt Mutual Fund Terms That You Need to Know Before Investing

Set Off and Carry Forward of Income Losses

New investors commit one of the biggest mistakes of not carrying forward the short-term or long-term capital loss. Tax-loss harvesting can help to reduce our tax liability and set off can be done up to the next 8 years.

Retirement in India

What is Retirement?Retirement refers to the time of life when one chooses to permanently leave the workforce behind. In simple language, it is just a long break from a lifetime of hard work. In India, the age of retirement is 60. At this stage of your life, you can do whatever you want to do. Enjoy life as if never before. But is it possible without planning? No.

Diff. Between Tax Free and Tax Saving Investments

Difference Between Tax Free and Tax Saving Investment

RBI Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable)

After discontinuing its 7.75% fixed interest rate bonds on the 28th May 2020, the RBI has come out with its new “floating rate savings bonds” on 26th June 2020, which were available from 1st July 2020. Let’s Understand its Features:

Health insurance for senior citizens

How can Senior Citizens Get Health Insurance?

How to Port your Health Insurance Policy

This is a question I get from many people and hence I decided to write a short note on this. So here are the details -

Crypto and India's move to ban privately held 'currencies'

China did this in Sept 21 suddenly. India will debate a ban on private crypto currency in the winter session of Parliament 21. El Salvador is using Bitcoin as national currency. Millions of people are 'invested' in various cryptos. Who is right? What should you do?

Do not rely only on EPF for your retirement

Why you shouldn’t depend only on EPF for your retirement?

Want to know your SIP returns? Calculate it using

Want to know your SIP returns? Calculate it using XIRR function

Investment for Girl Child

Girl child is the best gift God has given to any parent. We should nurture her like a plant which is going to become a tree one day. Now a days due to good education, the society as a whole has changed their foresight to see the girl and boy child.

Multi cap funds to undergo changes.

Multi cap funds to undergo changes. What should you do?

Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance? Life insurance is a contract between an insurer and a policyholder in which the insurer guarantees payment of a death benefit to named beneficiaries upon the death of the insured. The insurance company promises a death benefit in consideration of the payment of premium by the insured.

Health Insurance

What is Insurance?Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured.

It's all about Stamp Duty!

Stamp Duty on Mutual Funds i.e. 1st July 20

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Hello Friends,Systematic Investment Plan, the word itself describes many things. Systematic stands for “discipline” - means it says we need to be discipline while doing any work and same rule applies to investment as well. For healthy lifestyle you need to eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, take enough sleep, exercise everyday and most importantly be discipline for everything. If you do all these things then you will be able to achieve healthy and fit body and lifestyle. Just like Health there is equal importance of Wealth.

Importance of Recording your Data at one Place

My friend who was around 40 years old and got admitted to the hospital due to heart attack. Their family is so much dependent on him that they were not even know that is there any health insurance policy, who was their agent, which company insurance he took etc. because he never discuss financial matters with the family. As his family doesn’t know anything, they are unable to intimate the insurance company for the claim and my friend died and all the expenses were bear by the family along with the sorrow situation of the family.

Woman and Investment

Women of today are different. They have gone places and made big strides in all fields. Women take charge of their career and don multiple hats. While many women go for solo trips around the world.

What is NFO

Fund houses offer different types of mutual fund schemes to their investors. When a mutual fund launches a new fund, it can raise capital from investors through the New Fund Offer (NFO) period.

Myths of SIP

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is on everyone's lips. The various campaigns done by the mutual fund companies and industry has ushered SIP revolution in the country.

Understanding Asset Allocation

As the classic proverb says, ’Don’t put all eggs in one basket’, Investor also must diversify his/her portfolio into different asset classes. Why? Reason is very obvious – to reduce the risk.

Different types of Debt Mutual Funds

Different types of Debt Mutual Funds which will help to understand how to choose mutual fund as per your investment

Best fund vs Right fund

Best mutual fund scheme may not be right for you. In this article, we have discussed the criteria which you should keep in mind while choosing the right scheme for you.

6 Money lessons you must teach your child

Here’s how you can help your child inculcate good money habits

5 Mistakes of investors

Avoiding mistakes are also crucial part of wealth creation journey. Here is the list of top 5 mistakes investors often commit.

Should i repay debt or invest?

Here is what you need to know before you decide whether to pay loan or to invest?

Three features - SIP, STP and SWP

Read this article to understand three unique features while investing into Mutual funds

Power of compounding

Power of compounding is the 8th wonder of the world.

How to achieve Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is not about having a lot of money. It's all about having enough money whenever you need and live your life peacefully.

4 reasons why you need a financial advisor?

Read this article to know 4 reasons why you do you need financial advisor?

Retirement cannot be financed

The most expensive goal of your life cannot be financed.

What should you choose to save tax?

ELSS vs PPF! What should you choose for saving tax?

Direct Stock Vs Equity Mutual Funds

If you ask anyone if they have invested in equities, the most common response that you will get from them is, ‘no baba; it is very risky.

Active fund vs Passive fund

Mutual funds have become a hot topic of discussion among everyone. The general curiosity among people about mutual funds have increased, especially after the ‘ Mutual Fund Sahi Hai’ campaign that went live a few years ago.

Why term insurance?

We all love our families and want the best for them. We try to fulfil their wishes to the best of our abilities. One easy and simple way to show your love for your family and to make sure that they continue to live a dignified life even in your absence is to take a term insurance.

Debt funds are now more secured with new regulatio

In the last few months, there has been a lot of volatility in the debt market. For many investors, investing in debt mutual funds was riskier than equity funds. In all started with the IL&FS fiasco in September 2018 when the group companies defaulted on their payments.

Investment tips for Youngistan

After one lands in a job, the first thing that most parents will tell is to save money. Saving money, especially for someone who is in their first job and living alone in a big city, may not be easy. But it is also not difficult.

All you need to know about Emergency Fund

Emergencies come unannounced. No one can predict when it is going strike. The only thing that we can do is to prepare ourselves for any unforeseen circumstance.

3 most critical aspect of your life

From our childhood, we are taught not to waste money and always go for the cheapest available option. But not all things that appear to be expensive are bad for your pocket.

Got bonus or increment? Here's how to plan?

By now your organisation must have handed out the bonus and increment. If you are one of the few lucky people to receive an increment and bonus or at least one of the two, it is crucial that you use it wisely and don’t squander it.

All you need to know about Asset Allocation

Imagine that you have a pizza in front of you. But the pizza has six different types of toppings with different crusts. Would not that be awesome?

Why & How To Diversify Your Portfolio?

Diversification is investing in investment options to limit the exposure to any particular asset class or investment. This practice helps to reduce the risk associated with your portfolio.

Should you invest in debt mutual funds or FDs?

Capital safety, the rate of returns, lock-in period and taxation are some of the key features those can help you select between debt mutual fund and fixed deposits.

Should You continue or stop your SIP?

Recently the data published in one of the new websites said that 'New SIP growth falls 61% from April to December.' What does it mean? Does it mean that investment through SIPs is no longer attractive?

Why you should stop looking at "Past Performance"

Have you ever got stuck up in traffic? I am sure you have. Just imagine your car is new brand with powerful engine, but unable to move an inch because of heavy traffic.

Importance of Portfolio review

While investing for any specific goal, we always assume some rate of return from the investment based on some rationale. Actual return may vary time to time from assume return, so it becomes very important to check whether we are getting that return or not.

Understanding Return

Calculating return would have been easier, if we had been investing exactly for one year. But that doesn’t happen in practical world. Investment is normally done in staggered manner and each investment is not kept for same period of time.

Power of Compounding

If you want to go around the earth and start with 100 metres on first day and double the distance every day, How long do you think it will take?

Understanding Risk

Personal finance is everything to do with managing your money and Saving and investing. We are sharing series of articles where we shall discuss 9 useful personal finance concepts which everyone should know and learn.

Save tax and Plan retirement with Mutual Funds

For most Indians, retirement is the most ignored financial goals. From the beginning of career we start chasing short term goals which gives us short term gratification like buying a car, buying a New smartphone, vacation etc. Most of our savings is channelized in achieving our Retirement Goal.

Equity & Chinese Bamboo

Equity Investments are just like growing Chinese bamboo. Both requires lot of patience and time to grow.

Home Loan EMI Vs SIP

What if your Home loan tenure is reduced without increasing EMI, even if the interest rate remains the same? Sounds interesting? Read it.
